Skin Boosters

These are a soft gel-like substance called hyaluronic acid (HA), HA is naturally occurring in the skin and holds a significant amount of moisture. Unfortunately, HA depletes with age and this causes the skin in both genders to appear lined, loose and have a dryer texture.

Injectable skin boosters are used to improve skin hydration, laxity and give an overall lasting glow. This treatment is a great addition to your skin care routine.

What To Expect

Bedeque’s approach to skin boosters is to create a customised plan for each client by undertaking a comprehensive consultation. Following consultation, we will create a bespoke treatment plan that will incorporate your individual concerns and expectations as well as science. Your consultation will a complete medical history, discussion around the treatment process, possible side effects and outcomes.

Microinjections of deeply hydrating hyaluronic acid restores the moisture in the skin, which as a result improves elasticity, firmness and radiance. When administered using a mesotherapy technique of small injections, this not only has the skin boost effect but also triggers the skin’s elastin and collagen which repair and tighten enhancing the result.

Look at our before and after results!


Skin Boosters Packages

Take a look at our packages

Belotero Revive

The Belotero range uses an individual patented technology called Cohesive Polydensified Matrix (CPM) which is unique to Belotero products. CPM optimises tissue integration at a cellular level therefore improving external results for the client. Belotero Revive is the only product on the market that consists of hyaluronic acid and glycerol which combined is a significantly hydrating substance. This combination promotes water absorption from the dermis (mid layer of the skin) to the epidermis (the outer most layer) therefore creating a lasting moisturising effect on the skin. Belotero Revive is administered into the superficial/mid dermal layer of the skin using a serial puncture technique to the lower half of the face. For best results Belotero is given as part of a course of treatments consisting of three treatments over an 8wk period.


Profhilo consists of a buffered solution of high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which work together within the skin to restore hydration, elasticity and skin tone therefore resulting in deep hydration to the tissues and the mechanical action of lifting and tightening the skin. The action of this product counteracts the skin ageing process by reducing the action of free radicals on the skin layer. Profhilo is administered into the sub-dermal layer of the skin using a bolus technique utilising five injection sites. For the best results Profhilo is given as a course of treatments 4wks apart.

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